Air New Zealand Cargo ExportNZ Awards 2019 Gala Dinner Individual Tickets

Air New Zealand Cargo ExportNZ Awards tickets now on sale!Purchase Individual TicketsAn evening of celebration, entertainment and recognition of export success_________________________________________________________________________________________________________With a record number of entries, the Air New Zealand Cargo ExportNZ Awards 2019 will certainly celebrate the best of Northland, Auckland and Waikoto’s exporters.The Awards celebrate the success of New Zealand businesses on the […]

Air New Zealand Cargo ExportNZ Awards 2019 Gala Dinner Table Bookings

An evening of celebration, entertainment and recognition of export success_________________________________________________________________________________________________________With a record number of entries, the Air New Zealand Cargo ExportNZ Awards 2019 will certainly celebrate the best of Northland, Auckland and Waikoto’s exporters.The Awards celebrate the success of New Zealand businesses on the world stage, recognising professional excellence, innovative practice and leadership through vision, […]


Better Exporting Meetup

Are you an ambitious and motivated business with global growth aspirations?We would love to see you and members of your team at an informal gathering of exporters from your regional network.Hosted by MIX Limited, very smart people at the top of their export game will share how they are succeeding globally through the application of […]


South East Asia Customised Market Readiness Programme

Are you a NZ manufacturing firm looking to engage with the Southeast Asia region?In partnership with ExportNZ, the Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence has designed a Market Readiness Programme for businesses across New Zealand.This one-day workshop focuses on manufacturing businesses wanting to grow internationally and provides insights about the challenges and opportunities Southeast Asia […]

South East Asia Customised Market Readiness Programme

In partnership with ExportNZ, the Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence has designed a Market Readiness Programme for businesses across New Zealand.________________________________________________________________________________________________________What’s it all about?Come along to this complimentary, one-day workshop to learn aboutinnovation ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the importance of understanding the local competitionadapting your business model to suit the SEA marketmanaging your […]

Export Essentials Workshop Day 1

Looking at entering a new market? Join our workshop and get there faster. Developed by NZTE in partnership with experienced private sector facilitators, our Export Essentials Workshops give you the tools and confidence to select the right export market, channel, and partner - and help you understand the pathway to export success.Drawing on lessons learned […]

Export Excelerator

WHAT IS IT?Export Excelerator is a half-day peer-led event designed to boost your knowledge, help you make new and meaningful connections, and come away with fresh ideas to grow your global business.  Exporters helping exporters export more! WHO IS IT FOR?Exclusively open to senior business executives and their teams who are exporting or have aspirations to export.Best […]

European Union – New Zealand Free Trade Agreement and other Trade Negotiations

Come along to our complimentary event to hear from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on negotiations for a European Union–New Zealand free trade agreement, and other trade negotiations.Find out what the European Union – New Zealand free trade agreement means for New Zealand and where negotiations are at.Get an update on other trade agreements under negotiation […]

No charge

Better Exporting Meetup

Are you an ambitious and motivated business with global growth aspirations?We would love to see you and members of your team at an informal gathering of exporters from your regional network.Hosted by Gentrack, very smart people at the top of their export game will share how they are succeeding globally through the application of best practice […]

Export Essentials Workshop Day 2

Looking at entering a new market? Join our workshop and get there faster. Developed by NZTE in partnership with experienced private sector facilitators, our Export Essentials Workshops give you the tools and confidence to select the right export market, channel, and partner - and help you understand the pathway to export success.Drawing on lessons learned […]