Japan Strategy Builder Workshop Day 2

This workshop programme is devised by the Japan New Zealand Business Council, and the North Asia Centre for Asia Pacific Excellence, and offered in conjunction with ExportNZ Auckland.Come and hear consumer research, case studies and insights from market experts to look at ways you can strengthen your understanding and approach to the Japan market.The workshop […]


A Sustainable Supply Chain

Sustainable business is becoming more prevalent as a new generation thinks in terms of purpose and its impact on the planet. Learn how thinking sustainably can help you to build your brand and reputation, reduce environmental impacts and costs, and win business.Join us at "A Sustainable Supply Chain" seminar in Auckland where business leaders will […]


South East Asia Customised Market Readiness Programme

Is your business engaged, or looking to engage, with any of the Southeast Asian markets?In partnership with ExportNZ, the Southeast Asia-Pacific Centre of Excellence is holding a Market Readiness Programme to businesses across New Zealand. The programme is a one-day workshop and aims to provide businesses with the tools, strategies and mind-set needed for engaging with […]


Southeast Asia Vietnam Market Readiness Workshop

The Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence (SEA CAPE) and ExportNZ cordially invite you to attend this great one day workshop focused on doing business in Vietnam.As one of Southeast Asia’s fastest growing economies, Vietnam is dynamic and bursting with potential. This workshop provides insights into the challenges and opportunities that Vietnam presents for NZ […]


Latin America Market Awareness Workshop

The Latin America Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence is delighted to announce the launch of its courses for exporters to Latin America.We invite you to their course being held in Auckland on November 19th.The one-day workshop will target New Zealand business practitioners who would like to strengthen their existing Latin America capability, as well as those […]


South Korea Strategy Builder Workshop

South Korea is a leading, often trendsetting, market in Asia. It is also New Zealand’s 5th largest trading partner. Yet, the market is evolving quickly and taking advantage of opportunities in this fast-paced environment demands proactive responsiveness of business practitioners.This workshop provides an opportunity to gain and refine insights into this highly dynamic and complex […]


Export Excelerator Conference

We are pleased to invite you and your team to spend quality time with New Zealand’s innovative business leaders and exporters, for a focused, friendly and fast-paced morning of learning.  ExportNZ is working closely alongside our “Export Excelerator” network to create a truly invaluable half-day programme:The conference is designed to spark fresh ideas and boost your […]


New Zealand Cargo ExportNZ Awards 2020

Entries for the Air New Zealand Cargo ExportNZ Awards 2020 are open, and we would love to have your company enter and share the story of your export journey to date!The aim of the ExportNZ awards programme is to inspire New Zealand firms to expand their business horizons, engage in exporting and grow internationally.CategoriesThe categories […]

Auckland Export Roadshow – Exploring trade barriers and opportunities

Attend our Auckland Export Roadshow – Exploring trade barriers and opportunities ExportNZ has arranged an impressive line-up of experts and key government officials with one goal in mind- to help you tackle trade barriers and explore opportunities to help grow your business.This power-packed session will be a mix of how government can help, how ExportNZ […]

Export Documentations & Incoterms Breakfast Seminar

We are pleased to invite you to our Export Documentation & Incoterms breakfast seminar, on Thursday 20th February! This is your opportunity to further your knowledge and understanding of all the necessary procedures for successful trading in the export market in 2020.Learn about Export Documentation No export consignment is ready until the transactional paperwork is […]


Sell Global

Discover the 4 P’s for success on Amazon and how you can apply these to grow your sales.If you are selling on Amazon, or considering it, then you need to know how to stack the odds in your favour.Only 3 per cent of companies selling on Amazon succeed long term. Why is that?Like a lot […]


North Asia CAPE China Strategy Builder Workshop

Revisiting your China strategy Take a day to think about how your business can productively engage with China. The economic re-emergence of China has created many opportunities for NZ businesses, yet it has also created a very dynamic and highly segmented market place difficult to navigate. In this workshop, we will encourage discussions based on the […]
