Export NZ

Latin America Market Awareness Workshop

Sep 25, 2019

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  • Latin America Market Awareness Workshop
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Latin America Market Awareness Workshop

The Latin America Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence is delighted to announce the launch of its courses for exporters to Latin America.

We invite you to their course being held in Auckland on November 19th.The one-day workshop will target New Zealand business practitioners who would like to strengthen their existing Latin America capability, as well as those who have exported to other markets and now want to enter this region.

The workshop will be immersive, aimed at helping you identify areas of focus, develop and refine ideas, and discuss how those ideas can be turned into action.

At the workshop you will also:

  • Hear from New Zealand businesses and market experts about how to do business in the region;
  • Discuss practical market knowledge and the latest research;
  • Refine your value proposition for the Latin American market and test your ideas with your peers;
  • Explore the key elements of a marketing plan to reach your target customer segment;
  • Better understand how you can conduct consumer research in Latin America.


Part 1: What is a feasible beachhead market for me in Latin America
This segment focusses on understanding different market dynamics in major cities in Latin America. Participants will be explore the trends and insights of main economic hubs. Building on these insights they will explore what might be a feasible beachhead market for their offerings. The segments also provides insight into how a New Zealand firm has established successful business in the region and provide an opportunity for participants to share their own experience in the market.

Part 2: Reaching out to consumers in Latin America
This segment will help participants connect to their consumers in Latin America. The segment offers insights into relevant market channels. Participants will then have an opportunity to develop a detailed marketing plan for a market in Latin America. The segment will also help participants to understand opportunities and challenges to conduct market research in Latin America, with an emphasis on conducting focus groups.


Dr Daniel Vidal, PhD, MEng, MBA

Daniel is a general management consultant with strong hands-on digital and business strategy development experience gained in top international companies. Over the years, Daniel has acquired extensive advisory expertise through delivering over two hundred consulting assignments in digital strategy, competitive strategy, ICT-driven transformation, performance enhancement, and improving competitive position. Daniel has facilitated numerous strategy development workshops with C-level participants and boards.

Originally from Argentina, Daniel worked in line management positions with ExxonMobil, Ford Motor Co., Air New Zealand, and Thomas Cook Pty and as a strategy consultant for Deloitte and Hartford Consulting.  Daniel has expanded his career to the area of executive education and he is a faculty member of the MBA Program at the University of Auckland. I teach how to address strategy-related problems of actual organisations, which MBA participants work with on an advisory capacity

Dr. Ben Fath, PhD, Dipl. Kfm

​Dr Ben Fath is a Senior Lecturer at the Graduate School of Management. Ben’s interest in growing New Zealand businesses stems from more than a decade of scholarship investigating innovation, internationalisation and competitiveness of NZ SMEs. He focus’s on the evolution of markets, strategic management capabilities and evidence based decision making. In collaboration with scholars at the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford, he has undertaken a series of studies in New Zealand and Europe to better understand how strategic thinking helps SMEs to thrive in changing environments. He currently teaches on the MBA program of the University of Auckland.

Don’t miss out, register now!

145 Khyber Pass Rd, Grafton

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