Better Exporting Meetup – Manufacturing

ExportNZ is a community of exporters providing each other with the inspiration, collegial support and advice to allow their business to prosper.  We see incredible power in what we call peer-to-peer engagement – that’s companies learning from and listening to other companies’ experiences in different markets and sectors.In light of the COVID-19 crisis we are holding […]


Better Exporting Seminar – Credit Risk Management

How do you recognise and manage credit risk under the current volatile global economic conditions? If a major customer or multiple customers default on a debt, it could threaten the future of your company, so importers and exporters MUST be aware of ongoing & additional risks when trading overseas. This seminar will cover market risk, […]


Better Exporting Meetup – Food & Beverage

Are you an ambitious and motivated Food and Beverage business with global growth aspirations?We would love to see you and members of your team at our fortnightly meetups to chat openly with fellow New Zealand exporters. Each session will cover a different industry sector where three presenters will give you a post Covid-19 update and […]


Market Readiness Programme: ASEAN Workshop

Is your business looking to realise its growth potential by engaging with Southeast Asia? Do you want to strengthen your knowledge about doing business in and with Southeast Asia?The Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence (SEA CAPE) has partnered with ExportNZ to offer the Market Readiness Programme (MRP) to businesses across New Zealand.The MRP is […]


Better Exporting Seminar – Technology and Innovation

The ‘Race to Digital” and how everything changed with Covid-19We would love to see you and members of your team at our seminar that will showcase and celebrate how three exporters embraced technology and innovation in their race to digital when everything changed post Covid-19.  Hear from Dexibit, Robotic’s Plus and Soul Machines on how they […]


Export Excelerator Conference

Spend the morning Friday 7th August with New Zealand business experts. Hear from Lewis Road Creamery and Prolife Foods, who will share their business journey and story including the learnings and challenges that arise with scaling a global business. Export Excelerator is a half-day peer-led event designed to boost your knowledge, help you make new […]


Export Masterclass: Evolving an International Brand

The story your brands tells has never been so important.Any brand must clearly articulate what it offers and why it’s unique. Central to this is understanding the dynamics of your competitor space and knowing what’s really important to your target audience(s). Right now, no one can say what that landscape will look like in a […]


Better Exporting Meetup – Creative Services

Are you an ambitious and motivated Creative Service business with global growth aspirations?We would love to see you and members of your team at our Creative Services meetup to chat openly with fellow New Zealand exporters.  Our three presenters will give you there COVID-19 update and share how they have managed to succeed globally through the […]


China Strategy Builder

Revisiting your China strategy Take a day to think about how your business can productively engage with China. The economic re-emergence of China has created many opportunities for NZ businesses, yet it has also created a very dynamic and highly segmented market place difficult to navigate. In this workshop, we will encourage discussions based on the […]


Japan Strategy Builder Workshop

The Japan Strategy Builder aims to boost Japan market knowledge and cultural understanding held by New Zealand businesses seeking to either enter the Japan market, or expand their foothold there.This workshop contains a blend of interactive small group work, industry speakers, and analyses of contemporary case studies providing practical, hands-on examples that can be used straight away.Industry speakers […]


China Strategy Builder

Due to Covid-19, this event has now been transferred to an online session, on Zoom Take a day to think about how your business can productively engage with China. The economic re-emergence of China has created many opportunities for NZ businesses, yet it has also created a very dynamic and highly segmented market place difficult […]


Singapore and Malaysia Market Readiness Workshop

The Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence (SEA CAPE) and ExportNZ invite you to attend this free workshop focused on doing business in Singapore and Malaysia.The Market Readiness Programme (MRP) provides participating businesses with the mind-set, assessment tools and strategizing preparation work needed for engaging in these markets. As a participating business, you will have an […]
