Useful links – Covid19
Useful links:
New Zealand Government – Covid-19 webpage: – Alert Level 3 information on work, business, education, gatherings, exercise and recreation
To register a trade barrier:
Useful Trade and Market information:
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise COVID19 Market Reports
The International Trade Centre has produced a Market Access Map of temporary trade measures that have been enacted by governments in relation to COVID-19
KPMG has also produced a detailed list of government and institutional measures introduced in different markets in response to COVID19.
Government Response Global Landscape
Business Insider maintains a fulsome list of Countries on Lockdown, and some details on lockdown conditions.
The University of Oxford has published data visualisations on government responses and lockdowns in response to COVID19. This includes a useful ‘heat map’ of responses.
This information is publicly available, open source information, not provided by, or verified by MFAT.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT):
– Webpage dedicated to COVID-19 and the impact on trade
If you are experiencing disruption to trade due to COVID-19 contact the MFAT Exporter Helpline: 0800 824 605 or [email protected]
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE):
– General Covid-19 webpage with information and support for exporters
– Specific information on airfreight options:
Ministry of Transport (MOT):
– MoT Covid-19 webpage
The webpage includes guidance on transport essential services during the Level 4 period.
– International Air Freight Capacity (IAFC) webpage:
Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE):
– MBIE Covid-19 webpage
If you have specific queries about whether your business is an essential service, you can email [email protected] or call 0508 377 388 (call centre is open until 6pm)
– MBIE Covid-19 business guidance tool
Business can contact MPI with COVID-19 enquiries at:
[email protected] or call 0800 00 83 33
For COVID-19 related market access issues: [email protected]
Please continue to use the [email protected] and [email protected] email addresses to contact us as required.
New Zealand Customs Service:
– Advice from Customs New Zealand on essential and non-essential goods
Ministry of Health (MOH):
MOH advised that any questions regarding health essential services can be directed here: [email protected]
Where not health or disability related, they can go to MBIE at [email protected]
Treasury – New Zealand Export Credit (NZEC):
COVID-19 has created significant uncertainty for exporters, NZEC has financial guarantees which can be used to help exporters access additional working capital from banks and insurances to mitigate the risk of non-payment. The team at NZEC have been working very closely with banks, insurers and exporters find ways to help provide certainty for New Zealand’s exporters.
For help with: cash-flow, non-payment, scaling for growth or selling to new buyers
Contact details
Phone: 04 917 6060
Email: [email protected]