NZ-EU Free Trade Agreement brings immediate gains

Export NZ Executive Director Josh Tan says the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed with the European Union is set to deliver immediate outcomes for Kiwi exporters from today.

“With an earlier than expected entry into force date, New Zealand horticulture exports will benefit immediately from the Agreement.

“Kiwifruit will see a saving this season of $43 million, while New Zealand onion growers can expect to see $3 million in tariff savings.

“Our service exporters can now compete in the EU market on a more level playing field with local offerings and others in-market, like the UK and Singapore.

“While we can’t call it a gold-standard agreement, there are significant benefits for a number of growing industries in New Zealand.

Tan says with several new regulations introduced in the European Union recently, exporters will need to familiarise themselves with all relevant EU laws and take steps to ensure their compliance.

“To support exporters, ExportNZ has worked with New Zealand law firm, MinterEllisonRuddWatts on a paper to help understand their requirements. This free resource is available to read  on the ExportNZ website now.

“ExportNZ would like to thank and acknowledge the work completed by our officials, as well as both previous and current Governments under which the FTA was negotiated and entered into force.”


For more information contact:

Cal Roberts | Communications Advisor BusinessNZ, BusinessNZ

1 May, 2024
| News

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