
Country Information

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Free Trade Agreements

Free Trade Agreements assist exporters by providing improved access and reducing trade barriers to partner markets

Food Consultants

Directory of Food Consultants

Foreign Exchange

Access up to date foreign exchange rates here

Intellectual Property

Protect your business’s intellectual property to maximise your competitive advantage locally and around the world

International Expansion

Want to establish a local presence in overseas markets? Find out who can help here

Market Entry

Thinking about expanding your business? Here are some useful insights into starting you off on the right path

Market Research

Keep up to date on the latest market research

Tariff Calculation

Free tools to allow you to calculate tariffs when exporting your goods to Australia and the US


Tech Safe was selected by the New Zealand Government to deliver a programme to improve the cyber-security of businesses to help them meet the objectives of the government’s cyber security strategy

Search Resources

Idealog Export Guide

Idealog Export Guide

This Going Global guide presents first hand insights into the issues faced by businesses looking at overseas markets. It is a compelling read, offering practical advice to the challenges faced by exporters and the some of the pit falls to watch out for.

Tariffs on goods going into Australia

Tariffs on goods going into Australia

The ‘Schedule of Concessions on Goods’ contains Australia’s commitments under the WTO on tariffs and tariff quotas, as well as Australia’s commitments on export subsidies and domestic support for agricultural products. It lists obligations Australia has undertaken not to raise tariffs above levels agreed in trade negotiations and upper limits for government expenditure for specified types of subsidies in the agriculture sector.

Trade law and free trade agreements

Trade law and free trade agreements

The Trade Law Unit within the Legal Division of the Ministry provides legal advice and representation in various international trade fora, including World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiating rounds, WTO dispute settlement proceedings, and in Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations. The Unit also provides advice on the consistency of domestic New Zealand policy with our international trade law obligations.

Trade law and free trade agreements

Trade relationships & agreements

Trade agreements between two or more countries make international trade easier and more efficient. New Zealand is committed to liberalising trade through a number of regional, bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. This link to the Ministray of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) details the current status of New Zealand’s trade agreements and relationships with other countries.

How to turbo charge the export sector

How to turbo charge the export sector

During the last two weeks of August 2010, ExportNZ held CEO forums in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Tauranga and Wellington to engage with exporters and discuss: what can firms do, what can ExportNZ do and what can the Government do to turbo-charge export growth?

British High Commissioner: Why exporting matters to you

British High Commissioner: Why exporting matters to you

Just 10 weeks into office, British High Commissioner, Vicki Treadell shared her views recently at an Export Breakfast in Wellington. Her theme was internationalising the export of differentiated goods and services, which she advocates is essential to step change growth at both the firm and economy level.

Trade law and free trade agreements

UK Supermarket giant Sainsbury’s shares insights

Annie Graham, Head of Brand for Sainsbury’s – Sustainability, Agriculture and Health, visited New Zealand recently with an interest in sourcing NZ lamb in the off-season. She also joined a range of business representatives at a BusinessNZ roundtable to share her perspective and sustainable business insight.

Trade law and free trade agreements

Domestic tariffs on imported goods

The Working Tariff Document of New Zealand is a consolidated document from two legislative bases, namely — the Tariff Act 1988 and the Customs & Excise Act 1996. It is available in hardcopy and CD-Rom formats from the New Zealand Customs Service.

Recommended Sites


The Employers and Manufactuers Association (EMA) includes ExportNZ regions in the top half of the North Island.

Business Central

Business Central includes ExportNZ regions in the lower half of the North Island.

Business Canterbury

Business Canterbury includes ExportNZ regions in the top half of the South Island.

Business South

Business South - Otago Chamber & Southern Employers includes ExportNZ regions in the lower half of the South Island.