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ExportNZ Trade & Advocacy Update March 2024

ExportNZ Trade & Advocacy Update March 2024

Foreign Minister Peters paid an important visit to India this month. The visit appears to have gone well and to have been appreciated by the Indian side. No specific outcomes were expected, particularly on the trade front.

ExportNZ Trade & Advocacy Update March 2024

The Exporter – February 2024

If you are an exporter in the Wellington region or know of someone in the region then please check out our ExportNZ ASB Wellington Export Awards for 2024 – entries are currently open! It’s a fantastic way to showcase your business and celebrate the work, the effort, and the innovation that is coming out of the sector.

ExportNZ Trade & Advocacy Update March 2024

The Exporter – January 2024

Ongoing issues with both the Red Sea/ Suez Canal and Panama Canal, means that we’re keeping an eye on New Zealand’s supply chain situation.

ExportNZ Trade & Advocacy Update March 2024

The Exporter – November 2023

ExportNZ would like to congratulate Hon Todd McClay on his appointment as Minister for Trade, as well as his appointments as Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Forestry, and Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs. McClay will know our sector well having served as Minister for Trade between 2015 and 2017. We would also like to congratulate Nicola Grigg, on her appointment as Minister of State for Trade.

ExportNZ Trade & Advocacy Update March 2024

ExportNZ Trade & Advocacy Update February 2024

One of the advantages of having Trade and Foreign Ministers who have occupied the portfolios
before is that they hit the ground running. Having visited WTO Headquarters in January Hon
Todd McClay is off to Abu Dhabi for the WTO Ministerial meeting, where he will also serve as
one of three Vice Chairs of the meeting

ExportNZ Trade & Advocacy Update March 2024

The Exporter – September 2023

For the first time in a long time, the ExportNZ team have been able to represent our exporters overseas. I was fortunate to join the New Zealand Taiwan Business Council on their first delegation visit in five years to Taipei to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the...