NZ Turkey Business Council Report
1) New members
2) Scheduled visit to Istanbul 20/21 July & meeting with DEIK
3) JEC (Joint Economic Commission)
4) NZTE appoints 2nd permanent staff member in Istanbul
Firstly, I would like to warmly welcome our 3 new members to the NZ Turkey Business Council : Robinson Seismic, Hynds Group and the New Zealand Cheese School.
Robinson Seismic has been active in Turkey for some time, with their innovative seismic technology being welcomed. In April, Kate Canderle and myself attended the International Seismic Conference in Wellington, where there were at least five representatives from Turkey present. It is an area of growing concern for both countries and this provides a real opportunity to work collaboratively and provide expert technology, engineering and consultancy where required. A recent law change in Turkey, demands very robust seismic planning and implementation of special strengthening techniques, for all hospitals and bridges in pre identified areas of strong seismic risk.
The President of TASI also expressed an interest in arranging post graduate exchanges between Turkish and NZ Universities. If anyone has any University contacts who may be interested please advise.
Hynds Group
Chief Executive – David Wheeley will represent the Hynds Group on our Council. One of their divisions, Hynds Pipe Systems is New Zealand’s leading manufacturer and supplier of infrastructure products to the civil construction and rural sectors. It has been very interesting, to learn just how much of New Zealand’s large commercial irrigation is completed with Turkish pipes.
The New Zealand Cheese School, represented by Sue Arthur, which specialises in training boutique artesian cheese makers from around the world has also joined this year.
Visit to Istanbul 20/21 July
On 20 July I will arrive into Istanbul and be based at the Wyndham Grand Hotel Levent – located closely to DEIK (Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey)
DEİK has representatives in Ankara, Washington and Moscow in addition to 108 Chambers of Commerce and/or Industry and Commodity Exchange in Turkey as well as in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The Turkey – NZ Council is responsible to this entity. The DEIK offices are also very near to the Istanbul NZTE office, where some NZ companies are also based.
Thursday 20th July
I would welcome the opportunity between 3.30pm and 5pm to meet any of our locally based members or any Council members who are in Istanbul at this time at the Wyndham Grand Hotel Levent. The hotel number is + 90 212 386 1000. My NZ mobile is + 64 21 329 283.
Friday 21st July
At 10.15am NZTE Istanbul Representative, Goksin Duman and I will be available to meet in the Wyndham Hotel foyer, and we would like to take this opportunity to invite any members to join us to discuss any updates and/or challenges.
Later on the 21st Goksin and I will meet with the DEIK executive and board to address progressing the trade relationship and to bring to the table any opportunities or specific concerns that NZ companies are meeting, in developing or growing their trade with Turkey.
JEC (Joint Economic commission between Turkey and NZ) & NZTE office in Istanbul
At this time the date for the JEC between the Turkey & NZ Governments has not been announced. With both Turkey and NZ having elections this year, there is no current scheduled date, however it continues to be an area of focus.
It is encouraging despite some challenges, we have been receiving reports of increased trade and opportunities developing directly between NZ and Turkish companies.
It is pleasing to advise that NZTE has appointed a 2nd permanent team member Vedit Kamiloglu in Istanbul recently, thanks to the growth of engagement and continued trade development.
If you have any great stories or concerns to share, we warmly welcome the opportunity to meet up in Istanbul on the 20th or 21st. Please could you RSVP as soon as possible if you wish to peruse either of these opportunities.
Best regards,
Robyn Galloway
NZ Turkey Business Council
Tel + 64 3 3653 910
Mobile + 64 21 329 283