Government Services for Exporters
Government Services for Exporters
If you are experiencing challenges in exporting involving tariffs, other barriers to trade or other trade related issues, the government has a range of services to assist.
Check that you are not paying more duty than you are entitled to. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has developed an online tool called the Tariff-Finder to enable you to check on the lowest tariffs applying to your products under our Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with other countries. Remember also that tariffs can change as some tariffs are reduced over time under some FTAs. The tariff finder also contains information on the documentation and other requirements for export to each market.
Trade Barriers
If you are facing barriers due to overseas rules and regulations, the government may be able to assist. A good place to start is the tradebarriers site, which explains how the New Zealand government may be able to help and who to contact. There is also an option to register your issue on the site and the right government agency will contact you.
Trade Advisory Service
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade also runs an Trade Advisory Service ( or phone 0800 824 605) to help resolve problems and connect you to the right people within the Ministry and wider government.