Get in behind trade

ExportNZ says all political parties should be supporting international trade.

ExportNZ today released a report analysing the benefits to all New Zealanders from freely traded exports and imports.  The Benefits of Trade shows that New Zealand’s export sector directly and indirectly accounts for nearly three quarters of a million jobs, and that exports bring in 43 percent of New Zealand’s GDP.

“This is a massive chunk of our economy.  Without exports we would literally be a third world economy,” said ExportNZ Executive Director Catherine Beard.

“New Zealand exporters – manufacturers, primary producers and technology and services exporters – earn the foreign exchange that pays for all the good things we enjoy.  Without a vibrant export sector, we would not be able to afford the infrastructure, health, education and welfare services that are the mark of a first world nation.

“We have a brilliant export sector keeping our economy afloat, and we should all be supporting it.”

Catherine Beard said with the approach of the 2017 Election, it was important to hear from all political parties on how they would support trade and free trade agreements with other nations.

“It’s time for all political parties that want a higher standard of living for Kiwis to get in behind New Zealand being a participant in high quality free trade agreements wherever in the world we can get them.

Catherine Beard says in a world of increasing protectionism it is important for all political parties to be united behind an ambitious free trade agenda, because the benefits to New Zealand are overwhelmingly positive.

“The data indicates that in a world where free trade was the norm, New Zealand’s GDP would be $18 billion higher, with an additional 62,000 jobs.”

View the video: Benefits of Trade.


7 Jul, 2017
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