Export NZ
Malaysia Business Leaders Visit – Insights and Connectivity Event
Malaysia Business Leaders Visit – Insights and Connectivity Event
The Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence (SEA CAPE) is hosting four Malaysia-based business leaders on a New Zealand visit and ExportNZ and Southeast Asia CAPE are delighted to be hosting them in Hawke’s Bay. Their visit to the region is focused on building relationships with New Zealand exporters through the Malaysia-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce and strengthening commercial ties between the two countries.
If you’ve considered Malaysia as an export market, or are currently doing business there, or see it as an alternative to Singapore for market entry into Southeast Asia then please join us for the Malaysia Business Leaders Insights and Connectivity event. You will get a chance to meet the group and learn about opportunities in the Malaysian market for your products and services.
To register for the event please email [email protected] or phone 027 705 4668
Andrew Bayly
Founder, Emec Technology & Emec Scientific
Andrew Bayly founded Emec Technology Sdn Bhd in 2003 as Malaysia’s first dedicated laboratory design consultancy. Emec Technology has designed some of the largest laboratories in Malaysia and is the leader in the design of Biosafety Level 3 laboratories in Malaysia. In 2012, he also set up Emec Scientific Sdn Bhd, a specialist manufacturer and supplier of advanced anatomical pathology workstations and other laboratory and forensic equipment. Emec Scientific exports its equipment to Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, and Vietnam and is the market leader in Malaysia. Emec Scientific is also a design build laboratory contractor completing several major laboratory projects in Malaysia.
Andrew is a member of the Asia Pacific Bio-Safety Association (APBA), the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the Malaysian Bio-Safety and Bio Security Association (MBSSA). Until recently, he has been the chairman of Malaysia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (MNZCC) and Co-Chair of the New Zealand ASEAN Business Alliance (NZABA), of which he was a founding member.
Chemmy Tan
Group COO, Storii Group
Chemmy Tan is Group Chief Operating Officer (COO) of StoriiGroup. Storii Group is a consumer premium food trading company that covers every aspect of the process from import to export, strategic planning, branding, and marketing, to distribution to different channels. Well-known New Zealand brands it represents include Comvita and Shott.
Chemmy is also Founder and Vice President of BusinessNetworking International (Excellence Chapter), Committee and Silver Partner of Malaysia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce, and a member of Vistage VEE50.
Dato (Dr) Michael CH Wong JP
Dato (Dr) Michael CH Wong JP is the Founder of Job Hunt Group of Companies,specialising in Talent Management, Payroll, Mergers and Acquisitions. The client list comprises a wide range of industries including education, construction,agriculture and healthcare. Dato also founded Integrated Carrier Express, an international logistic platform providing postal distribution channel for e-commerce parcels churning out from China to the rest of the world.
Dato Wong has contributed and carved a significant presence in the bilateral trades with multiple countries and Malaysia via his involvements in NGO and chambers as reflected in the following organisations: Chairman of Malaysia NewZealand Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of Selangor SerdangChinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Director of EU MalaysiaChamber of Commerce Industry, Past Chairman of Malaysia Spanish Chambers and Industries (Lacamara), Past Acting Chairman of Swiss Malaysia BusinessCouncil, President of Oklahoma City University Alumni Association of Malaysia for 2 terms, and Adjunct mentor for Inti University since 2022.
Esther Yap
Esther Yap is Founder and CEO of Stellar SparX International (SSI), an award-winning international business and management consulting company. SSI offers customised solutions around international business research, market access and business development, human capital management, and transformation projects relating to the areas of digital, innovation, growth, sustainability, leadership, and intra-entrepreneurship.
Esther has accumulated more than 20 years of international corporate intrapreneurship and business entrepreneurship experiences in New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia across multiple sectors and industries.
She is a certified leadership coach with MaxwellLeadership, USA; certified business coach with Octopus, The European Business StrategySolution, Europe; certified Behavioral Consultant and Certified Career Coach, LifeskillsInstitute, Singapore; certified Learning and Development Practitioner with CIPD, UK; and certified Marketing Professional of The Chartered Institute of Marketing, CIM, UK. She also possesses a Human Resource Practitioner Certificate with HRNZ.
Esther’s other roles include Executive Director of Maxwell Leadership, Malaysia; Secretary of Executive Committee of Malaysian New Zealand Chamber of Commerce; SpecialProjects and Johor Chapter Rep to the Malaysian Dutch Business Council; Board of advisors to The Nordic ASEAN Innovation; and the Executive Committee to TheWomen’s Entrepreneur Club. She has also won a few industry awards – “The Innovator of the Year 2021” (awarded by Singapore Business Review), “The Innovative Leader2022/2023” (by the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives, Malaysia), and “Asia’s Women Leader and Asia’s Brand Leadership Award” 2023 (by World WomenLeadership Congress and CMO Asia respectively, Singapore).