Export NZ
EMA Export Event with Serious Fraud Office – Risks to NZ Exporters
EMA Export Event with Serious Fraud Office – Risks to NZ Exporters
ExportNZ and EMA bring you a must-attend event for exporters right here in Auckland!
As an exporter, how confident are you that those who work with your business overseas are doing the right thing?
Save the date to gain first hand-insights from the Serious Fraud Office and spend quality time with New Zealand’s export community!
Do you know what bribery is and what forms it can take? Did you know that acts of bribery committed overseas by people you work with could make YOUR business criminally liable here in New Zealand…EVEN if no one here in New Zealand knows it is happening?
Over drinks and nibbles, gain a basic understanding of foreign bribery and how you can assess the risks to your business.
You will learn from case studies and practical examples and receive tips for steps you can be taking NOW to ensure your business is protected.
This event is free for all EMA members; non-EMA members are charged $49.
Exclusively open to exporters and their teams who are currently exporting.
If you’re a small, medium or large business with staff and partners in overseas locations or an exporter just starting out this is an event that you absolutely cannot afford to miss!
Cam Moore is the Deputy Chief Executive of Operations at the SFO, where he oversees strategic direction and management of all operational based activities, which includes the investigation and prosecution of cases involving serious or complex fraud, including bribery and corruption. Prior to joining the SFO, Cam has worked as a senior Detective within New Zealand Police and as the National Manager for Investigations within both Immigration New Zealand and the New Zealand Customs Service. Cam has also worked for the United Nations as a Chief Investigator where his remit included investigating UN employees, contractors and large multinational service providers for allegations involving corrupt practices.
Rose Rehm is one of the Manager Investigations and Prosecutions at the SFO, where she supervises the conduct of cases involving serious or complex fraud, including bribery and corruption. Prior to joining the SFO, Rose worked in private practice in both Auckland and London. Her practice in London included advising clients with international operations on anti-corruption laws, the risks of foreign bribery and how to build effective anti-bribery compliance programmes. Rose conducted corporate corruption investigations and represented clients in their interactions with the UK Serious Fraud Office.
Time – 5pm-7pm
Venues: EMA Business Hub, 145 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023
Pricing: EMA members – Free; Non-EMA members – $49+GST
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