Build Your Japanese Market Strategy

Build Your Japanese Market Strategy

Build Your Japanese Market Strategy


The 2 day workshop programme is devised by the Japan New Zealand Business Council, and the North Asia Centre for Asia Pacific
Excellence, and offered in conjunction with ExportNZ Hawke’s Bay.

Come and hear consumer research, case studies and insights from market experts to look at ways you can strengthen your understanding and approach to the Japan market. The workshop is an immersive, interactive learning experience for executives and middle management who want to make inroads and further their foothold into the Japan market.

You will grow your knowledge of the Japanese consumer, and deepen your understanding and commitment to enhancing your business dealings and strategy with this market.

What you can expect
The programme helps to build a bridge from where your business is today to where you see it in the future. The programme provides a platform for ongoing interaction with Japan experts, senior executives, and leading researchers to support the process of growing your business in Japan.

The objective is to encourage you to turn your ideas into action and identify areas of focus, and to assist you in taking the right learnings from in-market experiences to do so.

Specifically, the programme will help you to:
* Reach Japanese customers by developing a more detailed understanding of the relevant drivers of customer value in your  business
* Know when and how to adapt your offerings for Japanese customers
* Form a strategy for collaboration and to identify and manage business partners in Japan
* Achieve short-term gains with the potential for lasting competitive advantages in Japan
* Formulate, test, and reflect on your overall Japan strategy.

Course Facilitators

Drs Benjamin Fath and Antje Fiedler

Drs Benjamin Fath and Antje Fiedler are both Senior Lecturers at the University of Auckland Business School. They have researched innovation, internationalisation and growth of NZ businesses for over a decade.

Ben teaches Research Methods on the MBA programme. He has facilitated workshops across New Zealand for practitioners on partner strategy in Asia in collaboration with the Asia New Zealand Foundation and ExportNZ.

Antje teaches on the Masters and MBA programme courses in International Business and Strategy. She has led groups of MBA students to explore market opportunities in Asia, including Japan, China, and Vietnam. Antje is the Director of the China Studies Centre at the NZAI. Her research centres on SME growth and internationalisation, with a particular spotlight on Asia.

Jason Reeves

Jason returned to New Zealand in late 2016 after 5 years in Japan where he was the New Zealand Trade Commissioner to Japan and prior to that the Trade Development Manager, with New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) based in Tokyo. Prior to joining NZTE Jason held management positions with Fonterra in the Global Supply Chain and Global Sales Division. Before joining Fonterra Jason worked at Japan Airlines for 10 years based in Auckland. Jason holds an MBA from Massey University a Bachelor of Arts from AUT and is a fluent Japanese speaker.

Hawke’s Bay
Hawke’s Bay Business Hub

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