
Trade update – July

Trade update – July

Trade update - July July Trade UpdateAs all exporters and importers will know the supply chain remains hugely disrupted.  Only the bravest amongst us are thinking that there will be any real change in the next few months.  It is increasingly likely...

Trade update – July

Trade update – June

Trade update - June Trade Update June 2021It has been a busy month on all fronts.  Export New Zealand would like to express particular gratitude to Trade Minister Hon Damien O’Connor and MFAT Deputy Secretary Vangelis Vitalis for travelling to the UK...

Trade update – July

Trade update – May

Trade update - May The focus is very much on the negotiations with the EU and UK.  In the case of the EU chances of rapid progress are receding.  With the UK the pressure is coming on for a more rapid agreement.EUWe have been worried about the...

Trade update – July

April Trade Update

April Trade Update EUThe tenth round on New Zealand EU FTA negotiations ended on 30 March.Some progress was achieved but big differences remain.  The EU has yet to be able to table a goods market access offer that is anywhere near acceptable to New Zealand...

Trade update – July

Trade update – March

Trade update - March USEyes have been on the confirmation of and early statements from the new United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai.  Tai has been reaching out to key trade partners and the new WTO Director-General.  As with other...

Trade update – July

February Trade Update

February Trade Update The trade policy world has not sat still for Christmas or the New Year!China FTA UpgradeNew Zealand and China held a virtual signing ceremony for the FTA Upgrade on 26 January.  This had been launched by the previous National government...

Trade update – July

Canterbury Exporter David Boyd becomes ExportNZ Chair

ExportNZ Executive Director, Catherine Beard, is pleased to announce that Canterbury exporter Mr David Boyd is the new Chair of ExportNZ, taking over from Sir Ken Stevens, who recently retired from the role after 11 years of great service.David Boyd is Founder and...