News & Info

Trade Update – March

Trade Update – March

TPPMinisters and senior officials from the remaining 11 TPP countries have just finished meeting in Chile to discuss the future of the agreement.  Aside from general platitudes about the importance of free trade the communique is a bit...

Trade Update – March

Red meat opportunities in Korea

Save the TPP - exportersNew Zealand exporters want to see every effort made to save the TPPA, says ExportNZ.The New Zealand Trade Minister today said he would investigate with the 10 other TPPA partners the options for continuing to bring the deal to fruition.ExportNZ...

Trade Update – March

Trade Update – February

Trade policy remains headline news in the US and UK.  Unfortunately there are few breakthroughs to report for New Zealand.TPP and MexicoThe Government remains keen to keep the idea of TPP alive and is trying to resist approaches from TPP members to negotiate...

Trade Update – March

Exporters urge continue with TPP

Save the TPP - exportersNew Zealand exporters want to see every effort made to save the TPPA, says ExportNZ.The New Zealand Trade Minister today said he would investigate with the 10 other TPPA partners the options for continuing to bring the deal to fruition.ExportNZ...