EMA Forum: Port of Auckland with Chief Executive Roger Gray

EMA Forum: Port of Auckland with Chief Executive Roger Gray

EMA Forum: Port of Auckland with Chief Executive Roger Gray

The Port of Auckland have reached a new agreement with Auckland Council that sees the port, land, and operations retained under Council ownership and control.

As part of the agreement, the Port has committed to returning $1.1 billion over the next ten years, while handing back Captain Cook Wharf and Marsden Wharf to the Council and opening up public access to parts of Bledisloe Wharf.

To meet this commitment, there will be significant changes to Port operations and charges.

What does this mean for EMA Members and
New Zealand importers and exporters?

Join us to hear from Port of Auckland Chief Executive Roger Gray, who will explain the changes to the Port, what its future holds, and its impact for businesses like yours. There will be time for Q&A and networking to follow.

A free, EMA Forum. Light refreshments provided.

Registering for EMA events: 

In our updated system, everyone needs to create a new profile, even if you’ve attended events with us before. This two-minute process means you can register for any EMA events and courses, and access our resource library. Simply visit https://www.myema.nz/my-profile and click “sign up now”, then follow the instructions before you register for our events. Any issues? Try out FAQ page: https://learn.ema.co.nz/w/support/ or email [email protected] and we’ll get you sorted.


Registration: Register here

Date: Mon 8 Jul 2024

Time – 3.30pm-5pm

Venues: EMA Business Hub
145 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland

Pricing: Free to exporters and importers


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