North Asia CAPE – Relationship building for North Asia Market

North Asia CAPE – Relationship building for North Asia Market

North Asia CAPE – Relationship building for North Asia Market

Nurturing meaningful relationships is a key factor to succeeding in Asian markets including China, South Korea and Japan. But building trusting relationships can be time consuming, confusing and a risky enterprise.

In this workshop, we explore a strategic approach to partnership development in North Asian markets. We’ll use case studies, management tools and insights from market experts to match the strength of your business to North Asian markets and help you develop trusting relationships that last.

These workshops are very popular and our facilitators are awesome. Don’t miss out!


Ben Fath

Dr. Benjamin Fath is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland Business School. He has researched innovation, internationalisation and growth of NZ businesses for over a decade. Ben teaches Research Methods on the MBA programme. He has facilitated workshops across New Zealand for practitioners on partner strategy in Asia in collaboration with the Asia New Zealand Foundation and ExportNZ.

Antje Fiedler

Dr. Antje Fiedler is a Senior Lecturer at the Graduate School of Management. Antje has undertaken extensive research on the internationalisation of SMEs with a particular focus on emerging Asia. Her research has been published in international journals as well as informed courses at the Business School (University of Auckland) and practitioner workshops around New Zealand. She is the Director of the China Studies Centre of the University of Auckland and an academic advisor of the South East Asia CAPE. ​

EMA, Corner Collingwood & Tristram Streets, Hamilton

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