MFAT: European Union –New Zealand Free Trade Agreement

MFAT: European Union –New Zealand Free Trade Agreement

MFAT: European Union –New Zealand Free Trade Agreement

In Association with Manawatu Chamber of Commerce, come along to our free event for the opportunity to hear from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on the European Union–New Zealand free trade agreement negotiation, and on developing a Trade for All agenda that benefits all New Zealanders.

This is a Public Meeting, open to all, but RSVP’s are essential for catering purposes please.

  • Find out what the European Union – New Zealand free trade agreement will mean for New Zealanders;
  • Get an update on other trade agreements under negotiation or consideration;
  • Hear about the Government’s Trade for All agenda; and
  • Ask questions, share your views, and hear what others in your community are thinking.
  • The presentation will be followed by plenty of time for questions and answers, and networking and refreshments with senior MFAT officials.

Further information about the EU-NZ FTA and Trade for All:

The European Union (made up of 28 member states) is a close and like-minded partner for New Zealand. A progressive and inclusive free trade agreement is a chance to deepen that partnership, deliver significant economic gains, and agree on high standards in areas that matter to New Zealanders. Information on the EU-NZ FTA can be found on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade website at:

The Government is developing Trade for All policy that delivers for all New Zealanders and is seeking your views on this. This is a chance to step back from looking at any individual trade agreement and instead consider trade policy in general, our current practice, and what’s best for New Zealand. The goal is a trade policy that works alongside other government policies, to support sustainable and inclusive economic development. Share your views at this event or make a submission online at


Martin Harvey: Lead Negotiator, Trade and Economic Group, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade

Clare Kelly, Divisional Manager, Trade Negotiations Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs &Trade

John Riley, Unit Manager, Trade Policy Engagement Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade

Steeple Room, Copthorne Hotel, 110 Fitzherbert Ave, West End, Palmerston North

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