Japan Strategy Builder Workshop

Japan Strategy Builder Workshop

Japan Strategy Builder Workshop

Due to Covid-19, this event will now be held virtually – on Zoom.

The Japan Strategy Builder aims to boost Japan market knowledge and cultural understanding held by New Zealand businesses seeking to either enter the Japan market, or expand their foothold there.

This workshop contains a blend of interactive small group work, industry speakers, and analyses of contemporary case studies providing practical, hands-on examples that can be used straight away.

Industry speakers draw upon their own business experience and offer valuable lessons learned through conducting business in Japan.


Antje Fiedler

Dr Antje Fiedler is Senior Lecturer in the Graduate School of Management (GSM) at The University of Auckland. Her research interests include growth and internationalisation of firms, with a focus on emerging Asia, and employment relations. Antje is a member of the New Zealand Asia Institute and the Director of the China Studies Centre of The University of Auckland. She is a member of the Academic Advisory Team of the Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence. Her work has been published in international journals, such as New Political Economy, Human Relations and the International Small Business Journal.

Benjamin Fath

Dr Benjamin Fath is with the Graduate School of Management (GSM) at The University of Auckland where he teaches on the MBA program. He has researched innovation, internationalisation and growth of NZ businesses for over a decade. His work has been published in journals including Australian Journal of Management, Human Relations, and the International Small Business Journal. Based on his research, he has designed and facilitated many practitioner workshops on business growth in Asia.

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