Export NZ

Indonesia Market Readiness Programme

Nov 4, 2020

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  • Indonesia Market Readiness Programme
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Indonesia Market Readiness Programme

With a burgeoning population of over 267 million people and comprising more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia is a unique trade and investment destination for New Zealand companies. The Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence (SEA CAPE) and ExportNZ invite you to join our new Indonesia Market Readiness Programme to learn more about doing business in Indonesia.

This free, one-day interactive workshop covers:

  • Indonesia’s unique position as a trade and investment destination for New Zealand companies
  • Cultural and business challenges of engaging with the market
  • The dynamics of compressed development in Indonesia and what this means for your business
  • Learning from the competition

The Market Readiness Programme is a series of free, interactive workshops that will nurture and strengthen your curiosity about business opportunities in Southeast Asia. SEA CAPE provides you with the tools, strategies and mind-set needed for engaging with the region. During the day you can tap into the expert knowledge provided by academics and industry professionals. You’ll also benefit from networking with other individuals and businesses participating in the programme. Visit seacape.org.nz/mrp to find out more.


Dr Yuanindita Ingardya (Ardya) – Teaching Fellow at the School of Marketing and International Business at Victoria University of Wellington

Ardya holds a PhD in Marketing and a Masters in Finance and Accounting. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Marketing Management, Contemporary Marketing, Consumer Behaviour and Pricing Management. Before joining Victoria University, she worked with Kantar Millward Brown as a Senior Research Executive in Jakarta, Indonesia, providing consultations on brand strategy, advertising development and optimisation and media effectiveness. Ardya is also an avid yoga instructor and the Marketing Manager of a Hot Yoga brand in Wellington.

Dr Grigorij Ljubownikow – Lecturer at the Graduate School of Management, University of Auckland

Greg has a research interest in competitive strategy with a particular focus on competitive dynamics and growth strategies. His research has been published in international journals, and he has more than ten years of university teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Lately, he has been teaching at the University of Auckland Business School in the Business Master’s, MBA, and Executive Education programmes. In his Strategy Capstone course, he and his students work with NZ companies to address their domestic and international strategy challenges.

Dr Fandy Tjiptono – Senior lecturer at the School of Marketing and International Business at Victoria University of Wellington
Before joining Victoria University of Wellington, Fandy worked at Monash University Malaysia and Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (Indonesia). He has more than 23 years of marketing teaching experience at both undergraduate and graduate levels at several universities in Indonesia, Australia, and Malaysia. His main research interests are consumer behaviour and marketing practices in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia. His more than 12 years of consulting experience covers a wide range of industries, such as FMCG, publishing, telecommunication, and banking.

Wellington Chamber of Commerce, 3-11 Hunter Street, Jackson Stone House, Level 7, Wellington.

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