Brexit – Unravelling the implications

Brexit – Unravelling the implications

Brexit – Unravelling the implications

Brexit and its cast of players continue to confound predictions, but some clarity on the outcomes shouldn’t be too far off. October 31st is the deadline for Britain’s exit from the EU.

We invite you to our Better Exporting event on November 6th for an update.

At this stage, questions remain, such as:

  • Will a further extension be permitted (which looks unlikely with the French saying they will veto if it is sought)?
  • Deal or no deal?; and
  • What will be the Irish border resolution with the backstop idea apparently floundering?

Come and hear from international business development consultant, Ray Lewis, who will provide his personal insights on the latest developments at the time, with a specific focus on current and future opportunities for New Zealand exporters for trade into the UK and across the European continent.

Ray Lewis runs his own consultancy, Elsar Consulting Training Ltd, and has a background of over 25 years international business development experience. Ray is passionate about expanding NZ business’ international interests and with a background including a spell as CEO of the Waikato Chamber of Commerce, he has a particular leaning towards and knowledge of local companies here.  His background includes sourcing then implementing international deals such as a global licensing deal for Comvita with Derma Sciences, plus also sitting on the negotiation panel with Phil Goff’s team setting out the parameters for the FTA with China in 2006, meaning he understands both the business requirements and political drivers for NZ business to succeed overseas.

PwC, Level 4, Corner Ward & Angelsea Streets, Hamilton

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