Better Exporting – Protecting your IP in China

Better Exporting – Protecting your IP in China

Better Exporting – Protecting your IP in China

Come and learn about improved IP protection in China, thanks to changes to its laws and trading environment.

China’s IP protection and enforcement is improving but there are still a number of risks involved in exporting to China, most notably trade mark squatter.

Kiwi companies eyeing up this market need persistence, good partnerships and a clear understanding of the Chinese intellectual property (IP)  landscape.  Get it wrong and you not only risk damaging your brands, but also the whole reputation of New Zealand Inc.

It was only a decade ago that China was considered the place to have products manufactured on the cheap.  As a result, counterfeits were rife and it was known as a country where IP went to die.

The notion that protecting and enforcing IP in China was fraught with difficulties, combined with the perception of a copying culture, led to many companies believing that protecting their IP, or even expanding into China was not worth the effort.

This seminar will provide you with an overview of the risks, considerations and approach Kiwi businesses need to take when considering a move into China and how to ensure your brand and IP are properly protected from the outset.

Guest Speakers from Baldwins Intellectual Property TBC

PWC, Level 4, Cnr Ward & Anglesea Sts, Hamilton

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