Better Exporting Meetup – Creative Services

Better Exporting Meetup – Creative Services

Better Exporting Meetup – Creative Services

In light of the COVID-19 crisis we are holding weekly virtual meetups to keep you informed on how other export companies are managing their business through these unknown or difficult times.  Each week we will cover a different industry sector where three presenters will cover their business post Covid-19 and how they have previously and are currently succeeding globally through the application of best practice across all elements of their international growth strategy.

When heading overseas and entering new markets you are entering unchartered territory – you don’t know what you need to know until you need to know it – that’s the danger.

In order to maximise the opportunity and mitigate the risk you need access to good advice.

ExportNZ is a community of exporters providing each other with the inspiration, collegial support and advice to allow their business to prosper.  We see incredible power in what we call peer-to-peer engagement – that’s companies learning from and listening to other companies’ experiences in different markets and sectors.

Exporters sharing real world experience – real world help going off-shore.

This session will cover the Creative Services sector.

To help facilitate the valuable exchange of ideas amongst the group, we run these events in a boardroom style format – relaxed, less structured, and highly interactive.

Highlights of roundtable ‘peer review’ conversations:

  • You receive unexpected valuable information.
  • You will likely hear about problems that you haven’t faced yet, but will in the future.
  • Although you may not be aware of the issue yet, hearing solutions from other professionals will help you plan accordingly
  • Input from many experts with varying perspectives which produces new thinking that challenges existing best practices

As seats for this event are quite limited, we are accepting registrations from Exporting businesses only. This is a great chance to join this round-table with a wide range of exporters!


Todd Graydon, Global General Manager at Blunt Umbrellas

Todd is a tenacious & entrepreneurial sales and marketing leader with many years of global brand building experience and an impeccable track record in seeding and growing Kiwi brands throughout the world. Todd was a foundation member of the 42 Below team and more recently Ecoya Home Fragrance under Trilogy International. He is currently the Global General Manager for Iconic New Zealand Umbrella brand BLUNT.

Anne Stevenson, Sales & Marketing Manager – Export/Vice President Sales USA at James Dunlop Textiles Group

James Dunlop Textiles Group is a wholesaler of interior furnishings fabrics for use in residential and commercial environments.  Anne is responsible for controlling and directing all strategy, distribution, and sales and marketing activities within the export markets of the USA and Europe. She ensures that plans are effectively implemented so that objectives and sales growth targets are achieved according to the agreed budget. Anne travels regularly to the USA.

Kristy Grant, Founder and Director at Miramar Creative Limited

Kristy has a background in international marketing, exports, trade and telling the New Zealand creative story overseas. Kristy is passionate about promoting and supporting the future sustainability of the New Zealand creative sector through sustainability and education and industry engagement. Kirsty has worked on several projects that support NZ creative businesses to engage with organisations internationally with a specific focus on the US, Latin America and South East Asia.This has become even more relevant since the Covid-19 crisis and their main focus now is to advocate and enable remote business collaborations with innovative organisations that want to partner with NZ business.

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