Better Exporting Meet Up – Manufacturing and HiTech

Better Exporting Meet Up – Manufacturing and HiTech

Better Exporting Meet Up – Manufacturing and HiTech

In light of the COVID-19 crisis we are holding weekly virtual meetups to keep you informed on how other export companies are managing their business through these unknown or difficult times.  Each week we will cover a different industry sector where three presenters will cover their business post COVID-19 and how they have previously and are currently succeeding globally through the application of best practice across all elements of their international growth strategy.

When heading overseas and entering new markets you are entering unchartered territory – you don’t know what you need to know until you need to know it – that’s the danger.

In order to maximise the opportunity and mitigate the risk you need access to good advice.

ExportNZ is a community of exporters providing each other with the inspiration, collegial support and advice to allow their business to prosper.  We see incredible power in what we call peer-to-peer engagement – that’s companies learning from and listening to other companies’ experiences in different markets and sectors.

Exporters sharing real world experience – real world help going off-shore.

This session will cover the Manufacturing and Hi-Tech sector


Clint Jones

President of Sales, Propspeed International

A student of life, Clint left school at the age of 15 to become a third-generation bricklayer. By the age of 22, he was running an electrical contracting business in the Middle East, which gave him the building industry experience to manage a Fletcher Challenge company by his late 30s. Despite this, it took him 55 years to figure out what he was good at. Seven years ago, at the tender age of 54, Clint became the full-time skipper of the America’s Cup camera boat, melding his professional life with a lifelong passion. After three years on the road, bringing TV coverage to worldwide audiences, he returned to New Zealand to become managing director of PropSpeed International, once again combining his love of sailing with a business embedded in the marine industry. Throughout Clint’s career, the common denominator has been his love of sales, networking and relating to people from all walks of life.

Joe Bradford

Owner and Director of Sales and Operations, Fiasco Limited

If there’s a problem, Joe will find a solution. That’s just the kind of guy he is. Maybe it’s having been exposed to so many other cultures; since childhood, he’s lived in five countries across Asia, North America and the Pacific. Maybe it’s his experience with large events; he’s been managing music, corporate and church events since 2007. Maybe it’s his business education; he has a couple of degrees including a Masters in Global Studies from Columbia International University (South Carolina, USA). Or maybe it’s just in his DNA, born with a knack for sales, logistics and coordinating resources. But whatever the reason, one thing’s for sure: when faced with a challenge, Joe knows how to get the job done.

Michael Sievwright

CEO, Trimax Mowing Systems

Trimax Mowing Systems is an exporter of tractor mounted mowing equipment for commercial mowing. Core competences are innovation, manufacturing process development and in market sales and support. Trimax has established export markets in the UK, USA, Australia and the European Union. They have established a manufacturing facility in the UK to support their European growth. Trimax have their own distribution, sales and service staff in each of their markets supporting a sales network.

Michael has a background in procurement where he spent his earlier career prior to transitioning into market management. He held various export market management roles prior to becoming the CEO of Trimax. Michael has on the ground experience in international markets, is motivated to have an impact of the wider export community, mentor new exporters on growing their export business and has insight into exporting high value product.

Highlights of  ‘peer review’ conversations:

– You receive unexpected valuable information

– You will likely hear about problems that you haven’t faced yet, but will in the future

– Although you may not be aware of the issue yet, hearing solutions from other professionals will help you plan accordingly

– Input from many experts with varying perspectives which produces new thinking that challenges existing best practice

As seats for this event are quite limited, we are accepting registrations from Exporting businesses only. This is a great chance to join this round-table with a wide range of exporters!

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