Better Exporting Meet Up

Better Exporting Meet Up

Better Exporting Meet Up

Join us at our Better Exporting Meet Up, a roundtable style event where you can talk openly with other exporters in a relaxed, and interactive environment.

Our speakers will share how they are succeeding globally through the application of best practice across all elements of their international growth strategy.

Highlights of roundtable ‘peer-review’ conversations are:

-You will likely hear about problems and solutions that you may not have faced yet.

-You receive input from many experts with varying perspectives, which produces new thinking that challenges existing best practices.

-You receive unexpected and valuable information.


-Geoff Oliver- Director, Kiwi Produce

-Russell Faulkner- Managing Director, Fresh Produce Group

This event is only open to those in exporting businesses, and the group size is capped so register quick to not miss out.

ExportNZ Bay of Plenty thanks BNZ for continuing to support these fantastic events and for allowing other businesses to learn, prosper and grow.

Bay of Plenty
BNZ Partners Centre, 639 Cameron Rd, Tauranga

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