Brexit – Might opportunities surface from the chaos?

Brexit – Might opportunities surface from the chaos?

Brexit – Might opportunities surface from the chaos?

Britain’s exit from the European Union’s common market has been a messy and divisive process in the UK and across Europe, but might the eventual emergence from the chaos provide new or re-energised trade opportunities for NZ companies?

Reports out of the Bank of England suggest the UK is suffering NZ$1.6 billion in lost trade each week since the referendum vote in June 2016, which has shrunk the UK economy by 2%.  A large portion of this has no doubt been due to the enforced hiatus of international trade by so many UK companies with prospective global partners.

While Brexit has again been delayed through political indecision and negotiation impasse, resolution in some form has to be close as legislation and ‘Brexit fatigue’ are forcing the hands of all parties.  With light thereby at the end of the tunnel, international trade is likely to soon be re-invigorated across and beyond the European bloc (with or without the UK in its group) and this presentation and discussion panel will seek to find ways for NZ companies to optimise their position to take opportunities wherever they may surface.

Presenter Ray Lewis will briefly provide a personal view of Brexit, its background, underlying realities and from there position a future-focused opportunistic approach for NZ companies to consider, before opening up a Q&A session with a panel of NZ trading companies currently engaging with the UK and/or the EU.

Guest Speakers:

Ray Lewis, Managing Director, ELSAR

Andrew Cooke, Managing Director, Rezare Systems

Lucy Hudson, Intellectual Property Lawyer, Baldwins

PwC, Level 4, Cnr Ward & Angelsea Streets, Hamilton

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