Japan Strategy Builder – 2 day workshop (15th & 20th March)

Japan Strategy Builder – 2 day workshop (15th & 20th March)

Japan Strategy Builder – 2 day workshop (15th & 20th March)

Day 1: Build your Japanese market strategy

The workshop programme is devised by the Japan New Zealand Business Council, and the North Asia Centre for Asia Pacific Excellence, and offered in conjunction with ExportNZ Auckland.

Come and hear consumer research, case studies and insights from market experts to look at ways you can strengthen your understanding and approach to the Japan market.

The workshop is an immersive and interactive learning experience for executives and middle management who want to make inroads and further their foothold into the Japan market.

Outcome: You will grow your knowledge of the Japanese consumer, and deepen your understanding and commitment to enhancing your business dealings and strategy with this market.

Day 2 – Distributor engagement in North-Asia

Building and maintaining effective business partnerships is key for succeeding in international markets.

In this interactive workshop we explore how to best identify suitable business partners in North-Asia that fit your business goals; discuss how to realise the full potential of business relationships; manage different channel partners and achieve sustainable growth.

The workshop also provides an opportunity to network with other SMEs and share experiences of doing business in Asia.

Day 1 – 9:00am – 4:30pm

Day 2 – 9:00am – 2pm


Dr. Antje Fielder – Senior Lecturer, The University of Auckland

Dr Antje Fiedler is a Senior Lecturer at the Graduate School of Management. Antje has undertaken extensive research on the internationalization of SMEs with a particular focus on emerging Asia. Her research has been published in international journals as well as informed courses at the Business School (University of Auckland) and practitioner workshops around New Zealand. She is the Director of the China Studies Centre of the University of Auckland and an academic advisor of the South East Asia CAPE. ​

Dr. Ben Fath  – Senior Lecturer, The University of Auckland

Dr Benjamin Fath is a Senior Lecturers at the University of Auckland Business School. He has researched innovation, internationalisation and growth of NZ businesses for over a decade. Ben teaches Research Methods on the MBA programme. He has facilitated workshops across New Zealand for practitioners on partner strategy in Asia in collaboration with the Asia New Zealand Foundation and ExportNZ.

Guest Speakers:

Day 1:

Jason Reeves – Head of Export Business Development, BNZ

Jason heads up the Bank of New Zealand’s (BNZ) engagement with the export sector, supporting business to successfully land, launch and operate in international markets. Prior to joining BNZ, Jason was employed by New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) and held the positions of New Zealand Trade Commissioner to Japan based in Tokyo and more recently, International Coalitions Manager and Industry Sector Lead based in Auckland. Before joining NZTE Jason spent eight years at Fonterra in the Supply Chain and Global Sales Division with a focus on the Asia Pacific region. Jason’s association with Japan spans more than 20 years and is a fluent Japanese speaker. Jason holds a BA (Japanese) from AUT and an MBA from Massey University and is highly excited about the future prospects of the Japan New Zealand relationship.

Day 2:

Todd Graydon – Global General Manager, BLUNT Umbrellas

Todd Graydon is a tenacious & entrepreneurial sales and marketing leader with many years of global brand building experience and an impeccable track record in seeding and growing Kiwi brands throughout the world. Todd was a foundation member of the 42 Below team and more recently Ecoya Home Fragrance under Trilogy International. He is currently the Global General Manager for Iconic New Zealand Umbrella brand BLUNT.

EMA business hub, 145 Khyber Pass, Grafton

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