Gulf Opportunities Showcase

Gulf Opportunities Showcase

Gulf Opportunities Showcase

Find fresh potential for your business in the Gulf

Discover the dynamic Gulf region, and learn how to make the most of Expo 2020 Dubai, with our upcoming Gulf Opportunities Showcase.

Packed with expert insights, these Showcase events offer a fresh look at Gulf markets – diverse, globally connected, and rich in opportunity for New Zealand businesses.

With Expo 2020 Dubai coming soon, there’s never been a better time to discover your potential in the Gulf region.

Don’t miss your chance to:

  • Discover the major trends reshaping the Gulf – and the opportunities they’re creating for New Zealand businesses
  • Learn what Expo 2020 Dubai will mean for the Gulf region, and how you can get involved and leverage Expo to grow your business internationally
  • Hear direct, practical insights from people with in-depth experience in Gulf markets
  • Connect with experts and other businesses, and build your networks for future growth in the Gulf.

Programme highlights:

  • An introduction to the Gulf – transformation, sustainability, connectivity
  • Expo 2020 Dubai – the ‘Expo Economy’, and how to make the most of New Zealand’s Expo presence
  • Panel sessions: trends and opportunities – technology, food and beverage, major projects and infrastructure
  • Extended Q&A with beachheads advisers, and experienced New Zealand exporters
  • Informal networking for new connections

Zealong Tea Estate, 495 Gordonton Rd, Hamilton

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