Masterclass – Collaborate to Compete

Masterclass – Collaborate to Compete

Masterclass – Collaborate to Compete

Use Collaboration to drive your business to the max

New Zealand export businesses face fierce international competition, but collaboration can keep your organisation one step ahead of competitors.

If you have an opportunity but lack the resources, collaboration can be key to create synergy and utilize what’s available to seize opportunities that come your way.

Collaboration could minimise RISK where :-

  • a market development opportunity is identified but we don’t have the skill set
  • a market development opportunity is identified but we don’t have the financial resources to obtain appropriate market research
  • a fully developed brand strategy is needed to exploit the market opportunity and the cost is high
  • a market development opportunity is identified but we don’t have a developed channel
  • a new product opportunity is identified but we don’t have all the resources necessary.

The Takeaways from this Worskhop will be:

Understanding the 5 phase approach which will increase dramatically the probability of success and the reduction of risk by avoiding / resolving conflict

  • The discovery phase allows you to consider whether it is worthwhile investing time and effort in pursuing collaboration.
  • The definition phase includes a detailed internal analysis of the requirements necessary to realise the opportunity and a combined analysis of a prospective collaborative partnership. Expectation of both the participant and collaborative acknowledged by all parties.
  • The establishment phase puts in place the systems, structures and agreements to enable a collaborative project to work.
  • The implementation phase manages the delivery of the collaborative project.
  • The evaluation phase reviews the overall collaborative results and seeks to improve process for the next time.

If carried out successfully, the benefits of collaboration can be substantial.

Come and join us at our half-day workshop where our facilitator, Clifford Gibson from Phae Group, will show you how to get real results by utilizing collaboration in and outside of your organisation.

Clifford specializes in the establishment of collaborative ventures and research and development projects as well as strategy development and implementation programmes. He has worked with companies around the globe in countries including Australia, Czech Republic, South Africa, Singapore, the Pacific Islands and locally here in New Zealand. Clifford is a fellow of the Design Institute NZ and is a member of the Competitiveness Institute.

This kind of training doesn’t happen often, don’t miss out – Register now!

PWC, Level 4, Cnr Ward & Anglesea Sts, Hamilton

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