Better Exporting – Taiwan Outreach

Better Exporting – Taiwan Outreach

Better Exporting – Taiwan Outreach

We would like to invite you to attend a meeting with Moira Turley, Director of the New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office, Taiwan.

Moira Turley works to strengthen the economic and cultural connections between New Zealand and Taiwan.  Five years on from the signing of ANZTEC, the economic cooperation agreement between the two markets, the trading relationship has grown dramatically- with an increase of two way trade of over 20 percent. New Zealand F&B businesses have done particularly well in this sophisticated and wealthy market, which is our sixth largest for agricultural products. Moira will talk about developments in the Taiwan market, the relationship with New Zealand and opportunities for further growth, as well as outlining how her office and MFAT – working with NZTE – can support businesses looking to explore the opportunities this economy provides.

Venue: EMA, Cnr Collingwood & Tristram Sts, Hamilton

To register please email [email protected]

EMA, Cnr Collingwood & Tristram Sts, Hamilton

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